New research reveals vein thrombosis can plague travelers who have recently undergone surgery .
The researchers found that between 2000 and 2010 there were more than 3400 diagnoses of venous thrombosis .
The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis ( the formation of abnormal blood clots ) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke .
How to avoid the dehydration and immobilization that can lead to traveler 's thrombosis - a clotting issue that can sometimes be fatal in air travelers .
Both types of clots combined are called venous thrombosis according to the study . Symptoms include leg pain chest pain or sudden shortness of breath .
Air travel can increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis ( potentially lethal blood clots in the deep veins of the legs ) , and the danger rises if you 've recently had an operation -- but doctors sometimes fail to warn their patients of the surgery connection , the researchers say .
If liu is right to suspect that ferroelectricity can influence the way blood vessels take up fats , sugars or lipids , then switching it with an applied electric field might help to combat cardiovascular conditions that result from build-up , such as thrombosis and atherosclerosis .
Peanut is rich in lecithin and cephalin , it is regarded the essential substances of the nervous system for it can slow down brain function recession , inhibit platelet aggregation and prevent forming cerebral thrombosis .
According to a 100-city men 's health study which gauged exercise levels , hours of cable tv watched , video games purchased per year and death rates from deep-vein thrombosis ( linked to sitting ) , that distinction goes to nearby lexington , kentucky .
Laboratory evidence suggests this is because toxins in tobacco smoke peak at low levels of exposure , increasing the stickiness of the blood ( the tendency of the platelets to aggregate ) and inflaming the arteries , increasing the risk of thrombosis a blood clot that can trigger a heart attack .