
n.层( thickness的名词复数 );浓度;厚(度);最厚的部分
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- The fribourg researcher said his team 's work captured much better the range of thicknesses in the world 's glaciers , of which there are estimated to be about 160000 .
- 这位弗里堡研究员说,他团队在测量世界冰川厚度范围方面取得的成绩要好得多,其中的估计数约160000立方公里。
- This provides an up-to-date and accurate measurement ( to within a tenth of a millimetre ) of a pipe 's thicknesses .
- 这样,就能得到实时、准确(精度控制在十分之一毫米内)的管壁厚度数据了。
- Condoms are available with or without a lubricant and come in a variety of lengths , shapes , widths , thicknesses and colors .
- 避孕套分有润滑剂和无润滑剂,长度、形状、宽度、厚度、颜色也有不同。
- Circlips of different sizes and thicknesses are used .
- 使用不同尺寸和厚度的卡圈。
- High-build formulations permit much greater film thicknesses per coat .
- 高成膜性涂层允许每个涂层有更大厚度的膜层。