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n.精通于理论的人,理论家( theoretician的名词复数 )

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Theories have been formed about it and the theoreticians concerned have , as usually happens , given themselves a name .
Bakhtin is one of the most important russian theoreticians in the 20th century , and is one of the scholars who got most dispute worldwide .
They argue that theologians are not meant to be theoreticians but practitioners engaged in the struggle to bring about society 's transformation .
Tocqueville was not friendly to philosophers or " theoreticians , " as several letters confirm .
Theoreticians may disagree about the meaningfulness of the term " ability to pay , " but the close association between a man 's income and taxpaying ability is commonly accepted .
Next , gulliver sets sail again and , after an attack by pirates , ends up in laputa , where a floating island inhabited by theoreticians and academics oppresses the land below , called balnibarbi .
Many theoreticians , particularly those on the left , argue that the distortion or abrogation of the democratic process is due to the " brainwashing " and " manipulation " of the masses by the media and other institutions -- particularly however by tv .
If this hope has reality , then the theoreticians of art and culture can perhaps save art from the degenerative state in which it is today , and lay the foundations for a new art in the future that will also be of genuine cultural value .
If one wants a date for that transformation , I would say that 1930 is a good choice , for it was then that the expanding universe became a reality through the combined efforts of theoreticians and observational astronomers .
The criteria for a strong nation of education theories include the formation of an education theoretical system with chinese characteristics , the growth of educational scientific research and education theories , the emergence of educators and education theoreticians , and the widespread study , popularization and application of scientific educational thoughts and education theories .