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Behind the fanfare and excessive theatrics of the summits , a global networkisgrowingthatcouldbecomethe backbone of international economic co-operation in this age of accelerating change and interdependence .
But if " we continue to treat politics as a reality show played for cheap theatrics , " argues rothkopf , " we increase the likelihood that the next chapter in the ongoing story of capitalism is going to be written somewhere else . "
As the brewer case makes clear , the death penalty is a sickening business . The grim theatrics of an execution debase the executioner . But capital crimes are also repulsive . And so hopes for abolition are probably still unrealistic
But in recent years it has descended into empty theatrics .
Ms tsai has stopped well short of mr chen 's theatrics , saying she wants " moderate and stable " relations with beijing .
He replaced the pre-game theatrics and the power toss with book reading in the locker room and quiet time on the bench .
Such theatrics are all part of the show at ultraviolet , an experimental new restaurant opened in shanghai by the french chef paul pairet , whose aim is to deliver a multisensory eating experience that goes beyond the mere taste of the food .