
n.戏剧( theatre的名词复数 );戏院;手术室;阶梯教室
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- Films in 3d have proved popular in theatres , and several sporting events are due for 3d treatment , including the football world cup in june .
- 3d电影已证明了在影院颇受欢迎,而数场体育赛事也计划开通3d技术转播,包括6月份的世界杯。
- Now he 's back , the theatres are open , what does he find ?
- 现在他回来了,戏院又开了,他看到了什么?
- We could start by treating cinemas like we treat theatres .
- 我们可以通过像对待剧院那样对待影院来开始改变。
- Many london theatres are in shaftesbury avenue .
- 伦敦的许多戏院在沙佛兹伯雷大街上。
- Liverpool had five theatres then .
- 利物浦当时有五座剧院。
- In september 1592 the city council closed the theatres .
- 1592年9月市政参议会封闭了剧院。
- It was written when london 's theatres were closed because of plague , a period when shakespeare 's income looked like it might evaporate .
- 这首诗是在伦敦的剧场因为瘟疫而被迫关闭期间写的,那个时期莎士比亚的收入迅速缩水。
- The extra funding turned around groups such as the royal liverpool philharmonic and rejuvenated regional theatres .
- 额外的资金也使想皇家利物浦交响乐团和其他地方剧院咸鱼翻身。
- Past the theatres to westminster .
- 再经过秣市到达威斯敏斯特。
- Clapping at concerts and theatres is a universal habit .
- 在音乐会或者戏剧院鼓掌是一种普遍的习俗。