The telegenic former governor of mexico 's most populous state recently had a few missteps : at a book fair , he couldn 't name three books that influenced him .
Tall , slim , and , in broadcast parlance , telegenic , he 's a walking advertisement for what he preaches .
By contrast , it suggested that the lib dems are suffering a setback after a strong rise in support on the back of a striking performance by their telegenic leader in the three leader debates .
Despite all that , pheu thai , the party headed by mr thaksin 's telegenic younger sister , yingluck shinawatra , swept the board on july 3rd .
Perhaps rightly several commentators have hesitated to jump from images of a few thousand telegenic , " westernised " twentysomethings in downtown iran to grand claims that the whole of iran is turning towards a new dawn .
Oz was a rare find : so eloquent and telegenic that people are often surprised to learn that he is a highly credentialled member of the medical establishment .