His body was covered in tar and dangled for years in an iron cage above the river as a warning to wannabe corsairs .
We worked in bushwick , brooklyn , far from the train , in an office whose tiny reception area had a door that opened onto a poured tar roof .
There are also unconventional oil resources now being brought to the market , including shale oil from tar sands .
This , in turn , means more smoke per unit volume , and thus more tar and nicotine .
The upgrading and refining facilities required to turn tar to oil cost billions of dollars , but the technology is tried and tested .
But irons has the most exquisite vocal cords , and perhaps tar and nicotine are the elements of his phonetical magic .
Artificial dyes were developed - just as aspirin was - from coal tar , but are now made from petroleum products .
A long-term decline in the demand for oil could undermine the huge investments in canadian tar sands , which have been heavily opposed by environmentalists , according to a report published today .