
Taichung 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- After the chung ting arrived in keelung , the artifacts were temporarily stored in a railway warehouse before being moved to a sugar cane factory near the central city of taichung .
- 在中鼎号到达基隆后,文物都被临时储藏在一个铁路仓库里,而后又被运送到台中附近的一个甘蔗厂。
- Jolin tsai - taichung butterfly concert be .
- 蔡依林花蝴蝶庆功演唱会。
- Holiday inn express taichung park package .
- 台中公园快捷假日饭店套票。
- My aunts run a restaurant in taichung .
- 我姑妈们在台中经营一家餐厅。
- Taichung county wuling formosan landlocked salmon major habitat .
- 台中县武陵樱花钩吻鲑重要栖息环境。
- I stayed in taichung sometime last summer .
- 去年夏天某个时候,我待过台中。
- Private sector participation in sewerage construction in taichung city .
- 民间参与台中市地区污水下水道建设之研究。
- Chinese , greek and english interlinear new testament , conservative baptist press , taichung .
- 新约圣经中希英逐字对照(更新版),王正中编,浸宣出版社。
- Taichung county monitoring station measured air pollution index increased sharply linear .
- 台中县监测站测得的空气污染指标线型急遽升高。
- A study of daylighting environment for taichung city eiementary school .
- 台中市国小教室采光照明环境之研究。