superhero 超级英雄
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- Perhaps a superhero movie could be in her and brad pitt 's future ?
- 也许一部超级英雄式的电影会在她和布拉德皮特今后的生活中上演?
- So , feeling like a superhero may inspire the impulse to helpfully leap in .
- 所以说,感觉自己像个超级英雄也许能够产生有利的刺激。
- Especially around the holidays , it 's tempting to go all people-pleasing superhero .
- 特别是假日临近,扮演让大家都开心的超级英雄是很诱人的。
- Until then , we 'll settle for elite airmen embracing their superhero status .
- 在这之前,我们将让这些精英飞人们继续做他们的超级英雄吧。
- My brother is more like a superhero to him than an uncle .
- 对他而言,我弟弟更像一个超级英雄,而不仅仅是个叔叔。
- The malaysia paper printed a cartoon depicting japanese cartoon superhero ultraman attempting to outrun the tsunami .
- 马来西亚报纸刊登了一幅卡通漫画,描述了日本卡通超级英雄奥特曼试图逃离海啸。
- One girl looked up , amazed , as though she had come face to face with a superhero .
- 一个女孩抬起头,惊奇的看着他,仿佛她正面对着一位超级英雄。
- The nineteen thirties also gave us a superhero who came to earth from the planet krypton .
- 在二十世纪三十年代还出现了一位超级英雄,他从氪星来到了我们的地球上。
- Fans will have to wait until the official spider man relaunch next month to find out how he came to be the superhero .
- 粉丝们必须要等到下个月官方的蜘蛛侠重新发行才能知道他是怎样成为超级英雄的。
- In all seven of these films , the titular superhero has been eclipsed by the colourful villains he 's been up against .
- 在目前所有的7部蝙蝠侠影片中,这位有名无实的超级英雄被他所对抗的各路神通广大的反面角色所衬托的黯然失色。