

v.用事实支持(某主张、说法等),证明,证实( substantiate的现在分词 )

substantiating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Members need to provide the affected tour participants with details of the cancellation charges even after submitting the form and substantiating documents to the tic .
After chasing a substantiating busy , do not forget to reward oneself with bounties , at leisurely afternoon , put pieces of plain log furniture , mix some afternoon tea , come between field and soul that world combine offer to the dinner , enjoy the baptism of the nature .
Love is perfected through substantiating the ideal families .
A multilevel system of substantiating concepts of submarines intended for export .
But you don 't have a lickof substantiating proof .
Guideline for determining , presenting , and substantiating turbine engine starting and motoring characteristics .
The department also turned its lens on its colleagues , fully examining 92 allegations of fraud and corruption against the bank 's staff , and substantiating 33 .
The inspection services coordinator is responsible for arranging inspection activities at suppliers to substantiating the conformance of the products and services provided .
The distraction of " improving the mind " and substantiating an illusory sense of self will cease , and the experience of self , the christ that you are , will be what is left .
Logically , it would seem that inhibition of these proinflammatory cytokines should increase bone mass ; to date , however , human studies have been insufficient in conclusively substantiating this hypothesis .