英音  [ˈstʌltɪfaɪɪŋ]    


v.使成为徒劳,使变得无用( stultify的现在分词 )

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The stultifying effect of work that never varies .
African users must also cope with obsolete systems , irregular electricity and a stultifying lack of local content .
For many , women and the poor for example , these victorian values could be pretty stultifying in their effects .
Many of today 's younger generation find working in factories stultifying and aspire to jobs in the service sector or even to white-collar jobs .
Businessmen complained about the stultifying effect of regulations , which the shanghai general chamber of commerce said was ' enough to make our entire circle of merchants cry ' .
We second graders sat in the same stultifying room from september to mid-june , and barring weekends and the glorious freedom of holidays , we were expected to arrive by eight oclock and behave ourselves for the next seven hours .
But , like millions of other young women , they relish their freedom from the stultifying conformity of rural life , where women are at the constant beck and call of fathers , brothers and husbands .
Her na ï ve optimism helped her cut through new york city 's stultifying educational bureaucracy and get the very best from her teachers and students .
There are real issues like corruption , harassment by tax authorities , stultifying bureaucracy , policy vacillation , and retroactive amendments to the law which the government must address urgently .
Every employee knows ( or ought to ) that every work email she composes may be monitored or even read by someone else in the company , and how stultifying that is .