A more reliable living could be made , in the old days , by urchins diving the waters or strolling the sands to pick up pens and watches dropped through the boards by promenaders , or coins tossed through the rails .
Strolling along the thames on the way to have a haircut turns a mundane chore into an event , and many times we enjoy a chat with an interesting stranger along the way .
Getting up and moving , taking the dogs for a walk with the kids , strolling around the park , dancing to some great music ( abba is all I need ) , it doesn 't have to be long or strenuous but you do need to move !
But for now the illusion of stepping back in time is marvellously agreeable as you while away a couple of days strolling , shopping and eating in some fine restaurants .
During this summer 's world expo , the mayor of shanghai has urged residents to stop running red lights and strolling the streets in pajamas , a popular summer attire .
" We were strolling around each other for a while , trying to work out what we were going to do , " he says .
At the top of the hill was a nursing home and , because it was such a beautiful spring day , the patients were outdoors strolling with relatives or sitting on the porch .
While strolling through monet 's estate in giverney , france , we were struck at how monet must have had daily inspiration from his own gardens .