Are you looking for exciting tips to streamline your blogging experience ?
Also last month , mr. harper 's government detailed plans to streamline regulatory review of those and other big resources and infrastructure projects .
A proposal to legalise marijuana in california was defeated , but a measure to streamline the state 's dysfunctional budget process passed .
Germany and france got together to streamline the eu make the decision process quicker and more efficient , and impose stricter regulations and controls .
A good analogy here is the defragmentation of a computer 's hard drive : dreams are a reordering of connections to streamline the system .
Bus companies have not replaced fleets faster because the government allows old buses to remain in use to keep fares low , while local councils resist attempts to streamline over-provisioned routes .
If propulsion is improved and streamline is , then a swimmer will go fastest of all .
Details about these proposals are sparse , but the thinking is that investors would press companies to curb their risks and streamline their operations if bigness had some drawbacks .