
streaming 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They call it http live streaming .
- 他们管它叫httplive流媒体。
- Ad-supported streaming competes well on both counts .
- 广告支持的流媒体音乐在这两方面都有竞争力。
- The final constraint on delivering streaming video over the air ?
- 无线传输流媒体视频的最后一个问题是什么?
- Sprint usually includes their own streaming video and a nascar app .
- sprint经常在手机中内置自己的流媒体和nascar程序。
- Academic streaming may create a similar effect .
- 学术上的分班可能会产生类似的效果。
- Ion flux interaction with cytoplasmic streaming in branchlets of chara australis .
- 轮藻分枝中离子流与胞质流动的相互作用。
- His face was streaming with sweat .
- 他脸上淌着汗。
- In wuala you have two options to view large music or video files : downloading or streaming them .
- 在wuala中你有两种方式去浏览大尺寸的音乐或视频文件;下载或者直播它们。
- His back was streaming with sweat .
- 他背上大汗淋漓。
- Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent of water streaming out from under the door .
- 当祖母从洗手间走过的时候,她发现有股水流从门缝里涌出来。