
n.策略( strategy的名词复数 );战略;战略学;对策
strategies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Infiniti and lincoln are following different strategies to gain admission .
- 目前,英菲尼迪和林肯正在采取完全不同的策略来获得准入许可。
- Cavaiola recommends five strategies for coping :
- 卡瓦伊奥拉推荐了五种应对策略:
- The difference reflects divergent strategies and stages of development .
- 这种差距反映了不同的战略和各自所处的发展阶段。
- Have you found any helpful strategies for dealing with a difficult thanksgiving situation ?
- 现在你是否已经找到一些可用于应付感恩节的有利对策了呢?
- To copy their business strategies .
- 并复制其业务战略。
- The strategies are not new .
- 这类战略并不新鲜。
- Please share your strategies below .
- 请分享你们的策略。
- Strategies have to evolve fast .
- 必须迅速改进应对策略。
- The great majority were quantitative strategies .
- 其中绝大多数是量化战略。
- His cost-cutting strategies were as follows .
- 他削减开支的策略如下。