Study of prenatal diagnosis for phenylketonuria by str in the first trimester .
Str shall have a lien on any goods of the customer until payment but the exercise of such lien shall not prevent interest continuing .
Where in the opinion of str the services are time consuming entailing the use of special equipment and disbursements , the customer shall be charged on an [ equipment-hour ] basis on the time spent .
The customer hereby acknowledges and states that its losses and damages , whether direct or indirect , resulted therefrom will be sufficiently recovered by the above amount of compensation and shall not raise any further claim against str beyond such amount .
He was busy designing a new face called maxime , when an idea str ......
It is not balanceable on an individual basis because merely buffing starting armor or str growth isn 't going to help in the war of denials .
The umbrella group responsible for the str includes the somang church , one of a number of evangelical churches and megachurches that are increasingly active in korean politics .
Objective to develop a statistics analysis software that can be used in str population genetics for the purpose of promoting and fastening the basic research of str population genetics .