

stoical 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The stoical danes do not expect so much of life and , expecting less , find what little they have rather nice .
- 坚忍克己的丹麦人对生活没有那么多奢求,而是清心寡欲、敝帚自珍。
- That makes them stoical and undemanding .
- 这使得他们能够吃苦,很容易满足。
- You always say how stoical she was .
- 你不是常说她很古板固执么。
- The islanders , who want to stay british , are stoical about the argentine measures .
- 这些想要维持英国属地的岛民,对于阿根廷采取的禁运措施不以为意。
- I have foun that you can be as stoical as any one , when you please .
- 我发现,当你愿意的时候,你能够和任何人一样地冷静泰然。
- He knew how brave and stoical an explorer had to be .
- 他懂得一个探险家必须勇敢非凡,坚韧不拔。
- In other words , there appears here what I would call the stoical .
- 换句话说,在此出现我所谓的禁欲的理想。
- People around here learn to be stoical from a young age .
- 这里的人们从小就学会了克制和坚韧。
- Console " the stoical mother " for the olympic games
- 慰问奥运“坚强母亲”
- Local investors were stoical , looking back at the good times and regarding the experience as a lost bet .
- 当地投资者宠辱不惊,回想着以往的好时光,将此次经历视为一次失败的赌注。