If you 're considering using birth control , you have many options - from natural family planning and over-the-counter birth control products to prescription contraceptives or sterilization .
Massachusetts investigators say they found problems with cleanliness and sterilization at a pharmacy linked to a deadly meningitis outbreak .
The pencils aren 't designed for sterilization , so they tend to split after only a couple of uses .
You can clean them even with bleach but proper sterilization is impossible because of their physical makeup .
Many rural women know little about family planning , and female sterilization is the most commonly used form of birth control .
Continuous sterilization , of course , keeps infectious bacterial pathogens from spreading around places like hospital wards , where immune systems are low and the chances of infection are high .
And if contraception is prevention because it lessens morbidity and saves money , by that logic , mass sterilization would be the greatest boon to public health since the pasteurization of milk .
Darwin 's theory of natural selection and pasteur 's germ theory revolutionized biology and medicine ; lister introduced sterilization in hospitals , and mendel ( pictured above ) conducted the first experiments in heritability ( though not widely known until later ) .
Last april , more than 1300 people in puning city , in guangdong province , were held hostage in government buildings in an effort to force women who had had a second child to undergo sterilization .
All birth control methods ( even sterilization ) , have a failure rate , so by adding a condom , you 're more likely to get your effectiveness nearer to 100 % .