

stepmother 变化形式
复数: stepmothers

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- Again they gathered faggots and brush wood , of which the stepmother made up a large fire .
- 他们又开始收集柴捆和灌木枝,用以他们的继母生气一堆很大的篝火。
- Now since my new son is brother to my stepmother , he also becomes my uncle .
- 现在由于我新生的儿子是我继母的弟弟,他也就成了我的叔叔。
- Christopher owens who was twenty-five years old at the time of the incident was spending the summer with his father and stepmother at marula-puku .
- 事件发生时,克里斯托弗欧文斯25岁,正在马鲁拉普库同爸爸和后妈一起过暑假。
- My wagon often makes trips to the black hills of south dakota to rest at the home of my father and stepmother .
- 我的车子常常载着我来到南达科他州的布莱克丘陵,到我父亲和继母家中稍作休息。
- In his view , it was because of that nasty struggle that the grimm tales so often featured a wicked stepmother .
- 在他看来,正是由于这种痛苦的心理斗争,格林童话才往往出现恶毒的继母。
- Ms. rinehart won control of the mining empire after a bitter family feud with her stepmother , a filipina nurse .
- 在和继母(一位菲律宾护士)长期激烈的家庭斗争之后,莱因哈特赢得了这个采矿帝国的控制权。
- Her stepmother took her to europe to recover and study art .
- 继母带她去欧洲散心,顺便学习艺术。
- In later editions , it is the stepmother who makes the suggestion , and the father repeatedly hesitates before he finally agrees .
- 在后面的版本中,打算这么做的是继母,而父亲是几次三番犹豫不决之后才勉强同意。
- My stepmother once bought me a copy of playboy magazine because I mentioned that a woman in a wheelchair was getting a pictorial .
- 我的继母曾经给我买过一本《花花公子》杂志,因为我跟她提到那上面登了一个坐轮椅女人的画像。
- Growing up , having bad relationships with her father and stepmother , she never had the privilege of growing up with a mother .
- 在成长过程中,她与父亲和继母的关系并不好,也从没享受过在母亲的陪伴下长大的特权。