
n.统计学家,统计员( statistician的名词复数 )
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- Requiring statistics institutions , statisticians or other institutions or persons to fabricate or tamper with statistical data .
- 要求统计机构、统计人员或者其他机构、人员伪造、篡改统计资料的。
- The small band of mathematicians and statisticians would be taking business degrees at quebec 's laval university .
- 这一小群数学学者和统计学学者将攻读魁北克拉瓦尔大学(quebec'slavaluniversity)的商学学位。
- Movable feasts give u.s. government statisticians fits .
- 日期不固定的节日常常令美国政府的统计人员措手不及。
- Statisticians said the biggest falls were in areas such as financial services and in manufacturing and construction .
- 统计人员说下降最大的领域包括金融服务业、制造业和建筑业。
- But on the whole government statisticians arrive at their figures in good faith .
- 但总体而言,政府的统计工作者得出的数据都是信得过的。
- Statisticians are puzzling over the role in this crisis of internet shopping and how much it is eroding high-street business .
- 令统计人员费解的是网上购物在这场危机中扮演的角色和它侵蚀商业街生意的数量。
- This is a rare event , so the statisticians make no special adjustment for it .
- 这种情况是比较少见的,因此统计员们并未对此作出特别地调整。
- The nice balance between individual thought and group collaboration helps the day go by quickly for statisticians .
- 对于一个统计员来说,独立思考和团体合作之间的完美平衡使得每天都过得很快。
- Through the migrant grapevine , they know that jobs are drying up several months before government statisticians notice .
- 移民通过他们之间传递的小道消息,在政府部门的统计员发布公告的几个月前就知道了哪些工作岗位正在萎缩。
- That would require indec to be run by independent statisticians working unhindered .
- 这要求indec要由独立的统计学家来不受阻碍地操作运行。