

Stanley 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Morgan stanley is vaguer still .
- 摩根斯坦利也对此含糊不清。
- Morgan stanley is now offering swaps .
- 摩根斯坦利现在开始提供掉期交易。
- Morgan stanley eked out a modest gain .
- 摩根斯坦利勉强获得中等水平的收益。
- Morgan stanley upgraded rolls-royce to overweight on wednesday .
- 摩根斯坦利周三宣布把劳斯莱斯股票评级上调为增持。
- Morgan stanley underperformed peers , too .
- 摩根士丹利的业绩也落后于同行。
- Morgan stanley was not available for comment .
- 记者未能联系到摩根士丹利发表评论。
- Morgan stanley declined to comment on the deal .
- 摩根士丹利拒绝对该交易发表评论。
- Children don 't ruin everything , stanley points out .
- stanley也指出,孩子并不会毁了所有美好。
- The new venture will be known as morgan stanley huaxin securities company limited .
- 新合资公司的名称为morganstanleyhuaxinsecuritiescompanylimited.。
- And on july 10th the hedge fund recruited two senior emerging-markets traders formerly at morgan stanley .
- 在7月10好公司又聘用了两个先前在morganstanley公司任职的高级新兴市场交易员。