英音  ['steɪbəlaɪzɪŋ]    
美音 ['steɪbəlaɪzɪŋ]    


v.(使)稳定, (使)稳固( stabilize的现在分词 )

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U. s. officials are eager to gain iranian cooperation in stabilizing afghanistan and iraq .
Expectations that europe 's debt crisis is stabilizing outweighed data that showed production at u.s. factories dropped in march for the first time in four months and builders broke ground on fewer houses than forecast .
Stabilizing agent of chlorinated paraffin , bromine series of alkane , anti-arc powder .
In a further sign that libya 's energy industry is stabilizing , the national oil corp. this week offered traders the chance to buy a cargo of zueitina crude in early november .
Though surveys measuring trust in important american institutions have turned dangerously down in recent years , there also are glimmers it is stabilizing .
The craft is also revolutionary from an aeronautics perspective : it doesn 't have any of the standard stabilizing systems you find on a conventional airplane , but pilots say it flies as smoothly as a fighter jet .
It was under her stabilizing influence that my two brothers , my first younger sister , and I played as children , exploring the magical land that was her domain .
This would guarantee international conditions that sustain us economic recovery while stabilizing the costs of the us 's massive debt .
In that case one can interpret the german pressure as justified as they agreed to let spain have the money thinking that it was on its way to stabilizing its fiscal regime .
Let 's hope that stabilizing the board will take some of the sting out of every decision yahoo makes , especially given that the decisions themselves aren 't that radical .