
n.蹲着的人( squatter的名词复数 );擅自占用房屋或土地的人
squatters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They 've got squatters in their house .
- 他们家里来了擅自占住房者。
- The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in .
- 警察进入后这些擅自占住者不得不放弃这座楼房。
- They 're not squatters , they 're families . That 's the point .
- 他们并不是擅自占住者,他们是我的家人这是重点。
- Their estate agent called to tell them that at least two squatters had moved into the house that manning had recently purchased and were claiming the property as their own .
- 他们的房地产经纪人打电话告诉他们,至少有两个寮屋居民已转移到该曼宁最近购买房子,并声称为自己的财产。
- Coalition fighting for rehousing of urban squatters in .
- 木屋居民争取市区安置大联盟。
- Many public buildings now feature both sitters and squatters .
- 现在许多公共建筑坐、蹲便器都有。
- And I have been ordered to drive off the english squatters .
- 我受命把英国占领者赶走。
- England has a robust population of squatters : people who choose to live in abandoned buildings .
- 英格兰有众多的人们委屈的生活着:他们住在废弃的房屋中。
- Phyl wanted to tell her about ted king and the squatters , and about bette to show that she , too , had her links with the strike .
- 菲尔想告诉她关于泰德金和占住者的那些事情,还有关于蓓蒂的事情来表示她也和这次罢工有关系。
- Land that mr. carter has intentionally left forested for its environmental benefit has been intermittently overtaken by squatters - a common problem here .
- 卡特先生因为其具有环保利益而有意留为林地的土地断断续续地被居民占有这是这里常见的一个问题。