英音  ['spreɪɪŋ]    
美音 ['spreɪɪŋ]    


v.喷( spray的现在分词 );向…扫射(或抛洒),往…上撒;尤指雄猫撒尿(以示领地占有)

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He sat and he just keep spraying .
Farmers were not weeding enough , they were not spraying their trees sufficiently and were allowing mistletoe to grow on them .
A male lion marks the territory of his pride by spraying a mixture of urine and glandular secretions on tree trunks and bushes .
At a secret location a smaller balloon will float more than half a mile above the ground pumping water into the atmosphere , so the team can study the impact of spraying particles directly into the atmosphere .
Tepco is also to begin tests to determine whether the spraying of special paint on the rubble resulting from the blasts at the plant would prevent radioactive substances being carried into the atmosphere .
In what may be the scariest shower news since alfred hitchcock 's " psycho , " a study says shower heads can harbor tiny bacteria that come spraying into your face when you wash .
The studies relied on blood and urine tests , so no one can say for sure what the major source of exposure was for the women , though researchers suspect that eating produce contributes far less risk than does spraying your home with pesticides or living near agricultural fields .
Meanwhile , frequent changes in land use , degradation and fragmentation of fields , trade carrying hostile species such as the asian hornet into france or virulent fungi , chemical spraying and gardening insecticides as well as changing seasons due to climate change have added to the hostile environment for bees .
It works by growing separate cultures of individual cell types , and then spraying them out , layer by layer , in combination with a binding agent called a hydrogel , to build up the correct shape .
The program includes training for health workers , indoor spraying , and treatment for up to 85 percent of the most vulnerable groups - primarily pregnant women , children under five , and people living with hiv / aids .