adj.像运动家的,直爽的( sporty的比较级 )
sportier 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If I could lose a little weight , I 'd have a much sportier figure .
- 如果我能减少一些体重,我就很有运动员的身材了。
- Company officials say that the campaign featuring mr. toyoda as a cockpit jockey helps the company turn the page on its recent mishaps and provides a sportier image for the brand .
- 公司管理人士称,以赛车手丰田章男为形象的广告宣传有助于扭转公司近期的颓势,并为丰田品牌带来更多的运动气息。
- This rather delicious watch for the sportier men among you was given to me by my idiot of an ex girlfriend , who by the way ended up in bed last thursday with steve .
- 这只漂亮手表是给你们中那些更有运动感的人准备的;是前笨蛋女友送给我的;顺便说一句,上个星期四,她和斯蒂文上床了。
- Milan - on tuesday , the giant of italian tailored suit-making , ermenegildo zegna , presented for the first time at the milan menswear show its younger , sportier z zegna line , aimed at new global markets where the demographic is dominated by the under-30s .
- 米兰周二,意大利著名西装制衣业巨人杰尼亚首次在米兰男装周上展示了其全新年轻运动理念的zzegna系列,此举旨在迎合以80后为主的新的全球市场需求。
- For the latest generation , toyota tried to create an enhanced se version aimed at younger buyers with sportier tastes .
- 而现在推出的这款最新车型则是丰田努力打造的升级版SE系列,旨在吸引那些更喜欢动感车型的年轻车主。
- Larger and sportier than the original rav , it was an immediate hit and quickly became one of honda 's core products .
- 与最初的RAV相比,CR-V不仅体积更大,运动性也更强,因此一经推出,不仅迅速挤身畅销车之列,同时亦成为本田公司的核心产品。
- Putting the boxster up against its big brother for this drive may seem patently unfair , except that its mid-engine layout makes it sportier and -- many say -- more fun to drive .
- 在我设计的这次试驾中,让博科斯特与它的大哥抗衡显然不太公平,但博科斯特的中置引擎构造使它更富运动感,而且很多人表示,这让它更富驾驶乐趣。
- To give lexus a sportier image , he also championed the development of the $ 375,000 lfa , a carbon fiber supercar , and personally tested the car on germany 's famed n ü rburgring , where speeds top 180 mph .
- 为了打造雷萨克斯更时尚的形象,他还支持开发定价375,000美元的LFA超级跑车,并亲自在德国著名的纽伯格林赛道上,对汽车进行了时速高达180英里的测试。
- Although buckets were sportier , offered greater lateral support , and provided secure seat belt anchors , front bench seats held on in larger cars until they became extinct in the second decade of 21st century when the chevrolet impala was replaced with a newer model in 2013 .
- 尽管桶状座椅更有运动感,能提供更好的承托,还能使用安全带,但在一些大型车上,横排长座的地位依然不可动摇,直到21世纪的第二个十年它们才告别历史舞台——2013年,雪佛兰英帕拉(Impala)终于换上了新型座椅。
- Cadillac sold 19,183 of the smaller , sportier ats and 14,664 of the larger , more traditional xts .
- 上半年凯迪拉克卖出了19,183台运动风格的ATS轿车,以及14,664台风格较为传统、尺寸更大的XTS轿车。