His hard sacrifice makes it evident that our spontaneity needs calvarylike discipline .
While spontaneity is wonderful for some activities , it 's a surefire method for sabotaging change .
The carefully staged black-and-white steichen pictures that delighted prewar readers ofvoguemostly gave way to color and spontaneity .
But the pigeon movement captured the imagination thanks to its spontaneity , its grass-roots nature and its youth .
Beware of spontaneity and falling in love with the first boat that meets your needs .
And it was put on full display something rarely seen in north korea : spontaneity .
Teachers in england are trained to plan lessons in segments of three minutes , a theory which leaves little room for spontaneity in the classroom .
Self-presentation on facebook is continuous , intensely mediated , and possessed of a phony nonchalance that eliminates even the potential for spontaneity .
The spontaneity , informality and solitariness of e-mail make it more beguiling than lethal : e-mail tempts us to be ourselves .
If you 're moving ahead with mini-plans and a higher degree of spontaneity , it 's important to provide cues and information to your team so they can move with you .