If the hypotheses reported in the original studies had stood the test of time , then such short journalistic attention spans would not be a problem .
Geologists care about sediments , hammering away at them to uncover what they have to say about the past-especially the huge spans of time as the earth passes from one geological period to another .
The shuti program , which spans nine weeks , advises patients to get out of bed if they wake and are unable to return to sleep for more than 15 minutes .
The end of the mayan calendar , which spans about 5125 years , on december 21 , 2012 has sparked interpretations and suggestions that it marks the end of the world .
Constructed between 1420-36 , the dome of florence cathedral in italy spans more than 140ft , but was built with no supporting framework .
It should be noted that this data spans over half a year , so it purposely ignores short-term trends and instead features those search terms that users have consistently searched for over a long period of time .
A composite of narrow and broad band telescopic images , the view spans about 40 light-years and includes emission from hydrogen in green , sulfur in red , and oxygen in blue hues .