
n.占卜者,预言家( soothsayer的名词复数 )
soothsayers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So political soothsayers are watching closely , and getting ready to pronounce on what the results of the elections , to be held on november 3rd , might presage for the country at the 2010 contest .
- 因此政治预言家们正在密切关注,并做好准备为11月3号举行的选举结果发表意见,这可能是这个国家在2010年(选举)争斗的前兆。
- Because , as the prophet continues to explain , we have too much " witchcraft " and too many " soothsayers " ( astrology ) and false ministers in our lands who refuse to preach with authority the commandments and ways of the living god !
- 因为,正如预言继续解释的,我们拥有太多的“魔法”和“占卜者”(占星术)和在我们的国土上虚伪的部长大臣们,他们拒绝鼓吹戒律的权威和上帝的律法。
- Someone else said that certain matters required immediate decision and could not wait for consultation , but if he wanted to know in advance what was going to happen he should consult magicians and soothsayers .
- 别人说,某些事项需要立即作出决定,不能等待协商,但如果他想提前知道发生了什事情发生,他应谘询魔术师和预言家。
- For thou hast cast off thy people , the house of jacob : because they are filled as in times past , and have had soothsayers as the philistines , and have adhered to strange children .
- 上主抛弃了自己的百姓雅各伯家族因为他们充满了术士和占卜者,有如培肋舍特人一样,且与异民握手言欢。
- The druids ( the wise men , astrologers and soothsayers ) worshipped and performed their rites in woods by the light of the moon .
- 德鲁伊德(智者、占星家和占卜者)在月光下的林子里拜神并举行祭礼仪式。
- Caesar also notes the druidic sense of the guardian spirit of the tribe , whom he translated as dispater , with a general sense of father hades . Writers like diodorus and strabo with less firsthand experience than caesar , were of the opinion that this class included druids , bards and soothsayers .
- 凯撒也注意到了德鲁伊教对部族灵魂守护者的意识,他翻译成为dispater,还有冥王父亲的普遍意识。德奥多拉斯和斯特雷波等作者比凯撒获得更少的直接体验,对德伊鲁教这个阶层持有吟游诗人和占卜者等观点。
- She believes in whatever soothsayers tell her .
- 算命的无论说什么她都信。
- But intelligence professionals say the cia and its sister agencies are not soothsayers .
- 但情报人员说,美国中央情报局和它的姊妹机构不算命。
- " Primarily , what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is that they 're looking for opportunities to enhance their business with predictions of danger and calamity , " he told afp .
- “首先,我们可以看出这些算命家和占星师们只不过是在利用危险和灾难的语言做生意罢了”,他这样告诉法新社记者。
- No matter how many soothsayers of high finance proclaimed hat all was well , no matter how earnestly the president set to work to repair the damage with soft words and white house confernces , a major depression was inevitably under way .
- 不管有多少金融预言者声明一切良好,不管总统多么急切想要通过甜言蜜语以及白宫会议来修复创伤,一种主要的萧条正无可不免地在进行中。