What the yuppies , in concert with a man like ueberroth , have to offer is a new energy wedded to the belief that problems are solvable .
" The positive aspect to this particular issue is that it is a solvable problem , " rolland said .
Correction : this post was edited on the 6 january to reflect the argument that if an n-clue grid is uniquely solvable then adding a digit to make an n + 1-clue grid must also be uniquely solvable .
Mr. hutter , the venture capitalist , says that problem is solvable .
The tarp auction is a fiendishly difficult design problem , but it looks solvable .
Biological boundaries that most people think of as permanent and inevitable singularitarians see as merely intractable but solvable problems .
But you need to determine if you 're contributing to the problem by ignoring solvable performance issues , being confrontational or enabling the bad behavior .