Too many people have gambled on rising home prices and , as the market softens , find themselves in financial trouble .
It softens the deficit target for 2012 and puts more emphasis on overhauling the sclerotic economy through structural reforms .
If monetary protectionism softens the pain felt by the trade sector , it weakens demands for the traditional variety .
A preparation that softens or scents a bath .
This aesop 's fable tells us : acquaintance softens prejudices .
L-cysteine is an amino acid often used in dough conditioners , which softens mass-produced breads . It is made from human hair or duck feathers .
The eu , influenced by centre-left thinking among social democrats and christian democrats , has tended to favour a " social europe " that softens the hard edges of capitalism as practised in america or britain .
The forest-products industry is notorious for volatile price swings , with producers typically adding too much capacity in good times and then being forced into painful retrenchment when demand softens .
Keeping the soup hot with the gas cooker softens them , so does a freezer that acts like a refrigerator .
One way to read the trends of the past few years is that we have passed an inflection point wherein it is no longer politically advantageous for candidates to oppose same-sex marriage , which in turn softens opposition to it among the general public , creating a sort of feedback loop and accelerating the trend .