Dimitri : it 's often cold in december , january and february . It snows sometimes .
As the snows melt in afghanistan , the fighting season beckons ; across the border in pakistan , however , it is the season for making peace deals .
The arctic is changing faster in response to global warming than any other region of the planet , and the snows , seas and sparse grazing grounds around ny alesund form one of the best studied reaches of this global front line .
The " iceman " says he has seen the effects of global warming on farmland as snows have become thinner on the ground and ice rivers have melted away never to return .
The arctic ocean ice sheath , which I got to know several years ago while camped near the north pole on floes that were drifting 400 yards an hour , has some of the qualities of the vanishing snows of kilimanjaro when thrust into the climate debate .
Vladimir nabokov , who liked to observe other people , once declared that " professional book reviewers are veritable bookmakers " . They gleefully declare who 's in , who 's out , and ask : " where are the snows of yesteryear ? "
The mars reconnaissance orbiter has returned data suggesting that it snows on mars just like it snows on earth , with one key difference : on mars , it snows dry ice .
It 's true that at a certain point cutting costs to increase baa margins and so boost your bonus does conflict with " getting people moving , " especially when the cuts mean no investment in the equipment airports need when it snows .