
v.嗅,闻( smell的现在分词 );闻到;嗅出;觉察出
smelling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A newly painted room might be torture for a dog ; on the other hand , their olfactory ability and their trainability allow dogs to perform almost unimaginable feats , such as smelling the early stages of a cancer long before a normal medical diagnosis would detect it .
- 一间刚刚漆好的屋子可能对狗就是一种折磨;另一方面,敏锐的嗅觉以及良好的可训练性让狗拥有了几乎无法想象的技能,比如,在医学诊断出来之前,狗可以早早地在初期阶段就嗅出癌症。
- The way it finds its host plant is by smelling .
- 它寻找寄主的方法就是依靠嗅觉。
- Millions of receptors in the nose 's smelling organ aren 't scattered at random , a new study says .
- 一项新的研究表明,鼻腔内数以百万计的嗅觉受体并不是随机分布的。
- What they are smelling is propionic acid , a substance that several species of gut bacteria produce in quantity .
- 肾脏闻到的是丙酸,这种物质是由几种肠道细菌大量产生的。
- It seems the responses triggered while anticipating low-calorie foods -- seeing , smelling , tasting them -- still jumpstart the same metabolic processes needed to digest high-fat foods .
- 我们看到、闻到或品尝低热量食品时的反应,能引发消化高热量食品的新陈代谢过程。