Wait a few minutes for the acids from the tomatoes to neutralize the skunk smell and then give the dog a shampoo or scrub with soap and water .
Said a skunk to a tube-rose , " see how swiftly I run , while you cannot walk nor even creep . "
For those of you who live in areas where skunk smells can be an issue from time to time , one can of coke added to a bucket of water with detergent really helps to break the odor down .
A skunk usually gives a warning that they are about to release their scent by stamping their front feet rapidly with its tail erect , and growling or hissing .
When ibm 's previous attempts at a pc failed to sell , being too expensive , a " skunk works " team of engineers was convened in boca raton , florida .
Optimists argue that is because apple has room to expand , while the pessimists counter that it underlines fears of a slowdown in growth once the products developed in mr. jobs 's ' skunk works ' run out .