The republicans insist that this will hinder job creation by siphoning money from the owners of small businesses , and thus further dampen the recovery .
Every time you begin to own what someone has been siphoning off and to cultivate it according to your own will , you change the vibration on the planet .
Instead of seeing a surveillance camera behind the glass , he saw a pc that was siphoning card data from anyone who used the machine .
Gluant was siphoning money out faster than it came in .
Gluant was siphoning off money .
Credit , meanwhile , is practically nonexistent and cash flows from commercial property are siphoning off .
The officer replies , " about 14 gallons , but a lot of folks are still siphoning . "
Other proposed remedies include siphoning off the commission 's regulatory role to independent agencies , freeing it to be more overtly political .
That is because the country 's development strategy has focused on manufacturing , siphoning capital , talent and other resources from services .
The danger is that as the stake held by insiders falls , they have an incentive to rip off other shareholders by siphoning off money .