Between now and early september , when the polar pack ice shrivels to its summer minimum , they will pore over the daily sea ice reports of america 's national snow and ice data centre .
Parliament needs more bite to nip the heels of the executive ; the present system of election by party lists shrivels the independence of members and needs reform .
Between now and early september , when the polar pack ice shrivels to its summer minimum , they will pore over the daily sea ice reports of america 's national snow and ice data centre . Its satellite data will show that the ice has shrunk far below the long-term average .
But he also doesn 't come to terms with the imperative to survive , the iron-clad reality that spending must fall -- and quickly -- when revenue shrivels .
When a person grows old , his skin shrivels .
The dead fetus shrivels over time and remains in the womb until delivery .
Most years there is a long dry season that shrivels and scorches plants .
Under normal circumstances , the water bear looks like a sleeping bag with chubby legs , but when it encounters extreme conditions , the bag shrivels up .