

shou 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I shou probably drive him home tonight .
- 也许今晚我该开车送他回家。
- I will also shou you a sweet dream next night !
- 下一夜,我也会向你展示一个甜美的梦!
- I shou have called you at least .
- 至少应该先问问你的。
- Let 's stay in shou shou 's room .
- 我们就待在秀秀房间吧。
- Kiss you and I , private shou tower , yongding bridge night life !
- 亲亲你我,私守楼阁,鹊桥之夜永定今生!
- Perhaps not many people know how mr. pan shou had contributed to the establishment of nantah .
- 潘受老先生对南大的创办所作出的贡献,知道内情的人也许不多。
- I just think that you shou have thanked me for the flowers first .
- 我只是觉得你应该先谢谢我送你花。
- Some believe that children who shou sui will increase the longevity of the parents .
- 有些人认为,孩子守岁会有助于父母长寿。
- If you cannot bite never shou your teeth .
- 不会咬人,切莫龇牙咧嘴。
- Materials for studying chen shou 's tho .
- 小议研究陈寿思想的资料;