If yields ever manage to break that trend line , those assumptions would shatter and life could get very difficult for the fed indeed .
Yet in his own way , the 88-year-old mr. yu is helping to shatter the traditions of inheritance .
The shock most likely to shatter the status quo-another terrorist attack on home soil-is also the most dreaded .
If you have any preconceptions about animation , japanese or otherwise , spirited awaywill shatter them for good .
Unsurprisingly , as interoperability becomes the technical locus of innovation strategy worldwide , regulators may feel compelled to enshrine , loosen or shatter market standards .
Because simply seeing a vase shatter activates the part of the brain that handles sound .
Unchecked , it will shatter the confidence of consumers as well as businesses .
The imf 's world economic outlook ( weo ) , published this week , aims to shatter such complacency .
The second question is whether he is likely to draw increased attention to the sport from other asian-americans , and perhaps shatter some racial stereotypes along the way .
The second question is whether he is likely to draw increased attention to the sport from other asian-americans and perhaps shatter some racial stereotypes along the way .