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Clothing for young girls has become increasing sexualized , said sarah murnen , a social psychologist at kenyon college in ohio and the senior author of the new study .
In the final condition , the girl wore an obviously sexualized outfit : a very short dress with a leopard-print cardigan and purse .
In their view , this has serious implications for how girls evaluate themselves according to a sexualized model of feminine physical attractiveness .
Hakim argues that " erotic capital is rising in social and economic importance today " in response to our increasingly sexualized society and that it " gives women an advantage , and is a key factor in women 's changing status in society and the economy . "
An image was given " points " for being sexualized if , for example , the subject 's lips were parted or his / her tongue was showing , the subject was only partially clad or naked , or the text describing the subject used explicitly sexual language .
A 2003 online study by texas christian university found that the more pornography men watch , the more likely they are to describe women in sexualized terms and categorize women in traditional gender roles .
In the study , the authors developed a " scale of sexualization " to measure the intensity of sexualized representations of men and women .
In the " ambiguously sexualized " condition , the girl wore a modest-length dress with a leopard-print pattern - a pattern that is often associated with sexy clothes , but is not overtly sexual .
And despite its sexualized portrayal of women in the office , many women in advertising praise the show for its storytelling and say that many of the stories are similar to ones that play out in their workplaces today .
Among those images that were sexualized , 2 percent of men and 61 percent of women were hypersexualized .