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sexting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

This is one reason why " sexting " isn 't a great idea , even if you 're in a loving relationship .
Both studies defined " sexting " only to mean sending or receiving naked pictures .
Parents who can 't be bothered to figure out what that " tweet thing " is all about or what " sexting " is should not think this is a badge of honor to wear proudly , as if it makes them more mature somehow .
Are men , as new york magazine recently suggested , losing interest in having sex with their real partners because they 're so obsessed with porn , sexting and virtual partners ?
These days newspapers are filled with tales of facebook stalkers , craigslist killers , cyber-bullying , sexting and screen addiction .
As if sexting and cyberbullying weren 't enough for parents to worry about , now " facebook depression " joins the list of things to fret over .
In a second study , the new hampshire researchers found that very few sexting cases investigated by police led to arrests .
A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated , over which the originator has no control .
New research shows that " sexting " is not as common among young people as earlier findings suggested .
" Cell phones , " warns the company , " can be a great way for children to keep in touch with family members , " but they can also " serve as facilitators for cyberbullying , sexting and other dangerous behaviors . "