The earth is locked in a regular serpentine roll with planet x , the clash of their magnetic sides sliding past each other in a regular rhythm .
This year 's magical mystery tour wound a serpentine path through the birch forests outside moscow , a discreet spot beloved by generations of secretive nomenklatura , until we arrived at the new century equestrian club .
If the earth is no longer going to be simply rolling in the serpentine dance , then what will ensue ?
I have a problem with the serpentine belt squealing on my 97 mystique .
This country road is really serpentine .
The car swerved at every curve in the serpentine road .
In london , swimmers take the plunge in the serpentine lake , on christmas day .
They are not only predicting the end of the slow daily wobble , described as the serpentine dance , but a rattling effect .
The cfr is a serpentine network of international revolutionaries and fascist ideologues whose goal is to end american sovereignty and bring about a global , marxist paradise .