

n.布道( sermon的名词复数 );讲道;讲道文章;一大通教训

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At first , themonks limited themselves to chanting prayers and sermons , and urged the burmesepublic not to join their marches .
But their communiques are woolly or bullying , and their dialogues sound more like sermons .
It now has 20 television broadcasters and 80 licensed radio stations playing everything from rap to christian sermons .
Ironically , this quintessentially american - and yes , conservative - notion of self-help found frequent expression in reverend wright 's sermons .
Mosque sermons in egypt have linked sudan 's fate to sectarian strife in iraq and to recent attacks against egyptian christians , as parts of a global effort to createfitna , or schism , in muslim lands .
Men monopolised every medium in which male and female qualities were prescribed and reinforced fiction , drama , poetry , sermons , journalism and so on .
We can play reverend wright 's sermons on every channel , every day and talk about them from now until the election , and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the american people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words .
One observer remarked in 1523 that better sermons could be heard in the inns of ulm than in its churches , and in basel in 1524 there were complaints about people preaching from books and pamphlets in the town 's taverns .
Mosque sermons in rebel areas habitually describe government forces as satanic hordes .
And he tried to address people 's practical problems in his sermons .