semantically 怎么读,semantically 的音标和真人发音
semantically 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 The company believes that its new ad network will provide monetary incentive for publishers to have their websites marked up semantically . 公司相信,这种新的广告网络会为发布者提供资金刺激,他们就会给他们的网站建立语义化标记。 Using a top-down approach , uptake looks at its database of over 20 million reviews , opinions , and descriptions of hotels and activities in the us and semantically extracts information about those destinations . 使用由上到下的方法,uptake的数据库里有超过两千万的评论、意见以及美国旅馆,活动描述,并且从语义上提取那些目的地的信息。 Now you are using semantically useful html ! 你已经知道如何使用它了 Novels and many nonfiction books are semantically simple . 小说和许多纪实类书籍在代码的语义上很简单。 Syntactically legal : semantically legal and illegal values . 语法上合法:合法的语义和不合法的值。 I think the key lesson is that the lowest layers should deal only with syntax and should be semantically neutral . 我认为关键的经验是:最底层应该只处理语法并且在语义上是中性的。 If I am willing to leave the java language for a moment , I can get semantically close to the functional programming ideal by using closures . 如果愿意暂时把java语言搁在一边的话,则我可以使用闭包(closure),闭包是一种接近函数式编程想法的语义。 English personal masculine nouns can be unmarked and semantically inclusive of the feminine , but the feminine can never be unmarked . 英语阳性人称名词可以是无标记的,在语义上包含阴性人称名词的所表示的概念,但阴性人称名词不能是无标记的。 The idea of the book is to present words that are semantically relatad together in the same place . 本书旨在展示在同一场合中语义上相关联的单词。 Last month we wrote here that google appears to be exposing some semantically structured data in some of its search results . 上月我们在此文中写到,google在某些搜索结果中使用了某种语义结构化数据。