
n.分泌(物)( secretion的名词复数 )
secretions 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Secretions
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- A male lion marks the territory of his pride by spraying a mixture of urine and glandular secretions on tree trunks and bushes .
- 雄狮用尿液,分泌的腺液喷在树干或灌木丛中来标记族群的领地。
- Hot liquids , it is said , help loosen secretions in the chest and sinuses , making them easier to expel and ultimately clearing up congestion .
- 热的液体据说可以帮助促进胸部和鼻窦部位的分泌物分泌,有利于排解并最终消除鼻子部位的堵塞。
- Some clues : allergies don 't cause fevers or body aches , and nasal secretions are usually clear .
- 以下是一些提示:过敏不会导致发烧或者身体疼痛,此外鼻腔分泌物一般是清的。
- Also avoid douching , which can wash out cervical secretions and make it difficult to notice changes .
- 同时避免阴道冲洗,因为可能洗掉宫颈分泌物从而使性状观察困难。
- Waiting for the migration ahead , she tones oily secretions over every bit of her fly equipment .
- 等待迁移的过程中,她强调飞行羽翼上的每一处分泌物。
- Medics have long sought a glue to do this work , and now russell stewart of the university of utah may have found one in the secretions of a marine worm .
- 医务人员长久以来都在找寻起作用的胶水,犹他大学的拉塞尔斯图尔特(russellstewart)可能已经在一种海洋蠕虫的分泌物中发现了这种胶质。
- In this evolutionary scenario , the visual and possibly chemical signals of emotional tears may be secondary consequences of lacrimal secretions that originally evolved in the service of ocular maintenance and healing .
- 在进化过程中,伤心的眼泪中含的视觉和化学信号成为泪腺分泌的副产物,它们原本是用于治疗和维持眼睛的稳态。
- The thalamus acts as a relay station for incoming nerve impulses from around the body that are then forwarded to the appropriate brain region for processing . The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions from the nearby pituitary gland .
- 丘脑扮演中转站的角色,它把来自周身的神经冲动进一步传递到大脑适当的区域进行处理加工;下丘脑控制附近脑下垂体分泌激素。
- Since such secretions are the end result of chemical processes going on inside the body , they can provide indirect evidence of a person 's health , which could also help with identification .
- 因为这些分泌物都是身体内部进行的化学反应的最终成果,所以能间接说明一个人的健康状况,这也能有助于身份的鉴别。
- Some health care providers also recommend avoiding unprotected sex or using a barrier method of contraception during your period because it 's difficult to detect cervical secretions when they 're mixed with menstrual blood .
- 一些医生也建议在月经期间采用屏障避孕,因为与经血混合后,观察宫颈分泌物很困难。