
v.支持( second的现在分词 );临时调派;附议;赞成某提案
seconding 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- International law firms operating in asia are adopting a variety of methods to help expand and deepen their antitrust practices , including seconding asian-based staff to offices in leading centres such as brussels for training .
- 在亚洲开展业务的国际律所正采取各种方法,帮助扩展和深化反垄断实务,包括将亚洲地区的员工送到布鲁塞尔等主要业务中心进行培训。
- This means initiatives such as seconding top managers and engineers from arcelormittal to help transfer know-how , for instance on the processes required to make sophisticated automotive steel .
- 这意味着支持安塞乐米塔尔的高级经理和工程师帮助传授技术诀窍等举措例如,制造精密汽车钢板程序所需要的技术诀窍。