
scuppering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Criminal files often disappear from court , scuppering the trial , on payment of a bribe .
- 犯罪档案在行贿之后经常从法院消失,迫使审判中断。
- Then it accused france of scuppering the au 's belated peacekeeping efforts in libya .
- 接着南非又谴责法国,说它令非盟在利比亚迟到的维和努力破产。
- As well as scuppering any prospect of " googstagram " , facebook 's purchase also brings it some badly needed mobile know-how .
- 也破坏了“googstagram”的发展前景,facebook的收购也给自身带来一些急需的移动技术诀窍。
- Carmakers are warning that spiking oil prices threaten the auto industry recovery , scuppering sales of gas-guzzling pickups and suvs while boosting demand for electric and hybrid vehicles , reuters reported .
- 据路透社报道,汽车厂商警告称,油价高涨会刺激电动车和混合动力车的销售,但也会影响耗油量较大的皮卡和休旅车销售,这可能危及汽车业复苏。
- South africa has condemned france for " neocolonial interference " , notably for helping to oust the ivorian president , laurent gbagbo , after his election defeat . More recently south africa 's foreign minister has accused france of scuppering the au 's libyan peacemaking efforts .
- 南非指责法国“新殖民式的干预”,因为最近南非外交部长指责法国突袭了非盟在利比亚的维和武装,明显是想让科特迪瓦总统,在他竞选失败后老实走人。
- Foreign investors looking to enter india 's oil and gas exploration and production market are running into bureaucratic hurdles , potentially delaying or scuppering deals .
- 意图进军印度石油和天然气勘探开采业的外国投资者正面临着官僚政治障碍,有可能拖延甚至扼杀相关交易。
- She and some other state leaders want to wrest more powers from the centre , notably by scuppering a planned national counter-terrorism body .
- 她和其他的一些孟加拉邦领导人则希望从中央政府获取更多的权力,尤其是摧毁一个计划的国家反恐机构。
- Even a few years away from your connections can mean they go cold , scuppering your chance of promotion .
- 甚至你远离这些关系仅几年而已,它们就会变得冷淡,你也就失去了升职的机会。