
scorecards 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Different strategies call for different scorecards .
- 不同的策略需要不同的平衡计分卡.
- An integration of balanced scorecards and data envelopment analysis for firm 's benchmarking management .
- 结合平衡计分卡与资料包络分析法做为公司标竿管理之研究。
- The scorecards often overlay existing dashboard applications , refining existing metrics and prioritizing initiatives and budgets to support strategic goals .
- 为了达到企业的战略目标,“记分员”需要常常调整仪表盘程序、现有的标准和优先级、预算等。
- Using strategy map , you can design the strategies and using balanced scorecards you can build business models .
- 利用战略地图,也可以自行设计的策略和使用平衡计分卡,你可以建立商业模式。
- One mechanism used in the united states to educate people about specific environmental issues is environmental scorecards .
- 环境记分卡是一种在美国运用于特殊环境问题公众教育的机制。
- Except outside growth and energy which organizes in the company , all has the very remarkable result regarding the balanced scorecards itself four constructions surface target .
- 除了在公司组织的成长与能量外,对於平衡计分卡本身的四个构面指标都有很卓越的成绩。
- Ladies and gentlemen , before we go to the scorecards .
- 女士们先生们在我们给出分数之前。
- There 's the bell ! This one goes to the scorecards .
- 钟声响了!这拳还算。
- With its many uninsured citizens and its relatively low life expectancy , the united states has been relegated to the bottom of international health scorecards .
- 由于其很多无医保的国民和相对较低的预定的日期寿命,美国屈居世界医疗卫生排名榜的末位。
- Customer satisfaction and complaint summary , including verification of customer reports , scorecards and special status .
- 顾客的满意与投诉概要,包括顾客报告验证,记分卡和特殊状态。