
rookies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Rookies may not realize this .
- 菜鸟估计意识不到这一点。
- Listen , I got two rookies on a special mission 75 clicks north of you .
- 听着,有两个在执行特殊任务的新手在你北面75公里处.
- The veterans figure that the rookies will come to them when they need it .
- 老鸟认为菜鸟有需要时,会来找他们。
- But the big question is , how will the rookies perform ?
- 但主要的问题是那些新手们会表现如何?
- This task is extremely difficult for rookies .
- 这项任务对新手来说相当困难。
- All this in a season when the yankees juggled 14 different starting pitchers for posada to keep track of , including eight rookies .
- 这一季洋基像是变戏法似地,总共动用了14位不同的先发投手跟小波搭配,其中有8位是菜鸟。
- Rubio 's true shooting percentage of 72.3 is second highest among rookies who 've played more than 15 total minutes this season .
- 卢比奥的投篮命中率高达72.3,在本赛季上场超过15分钟的新秀中排名第二位。
- A product of chicago 's south side , the no. 1 overall draft pick ranked among the top rookies in most major categories and was the eastern conference 's rookie of the month three times .
- 来自芝加哥南部的状元本赛季总是排在新秀榜的前列,并且获得过3次月度最佳新秀。
- So rookies leave your badge and .
- 新兵留下你的徽章和。
- Rookies forked this win for us !
- 新人们为我们赢得了胜利!