
n.敌对,竞争,对抗( rivalry的名词复数 )
rivalries 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fighting the global threat of climate change could unite countries-or inflame rivalries .
- 对抗气候变化的全球威胁可能会团结各国或是加剧对抗。
- These fault lines and rivalries are testing the movement as it tries to become a lasting force .
- 这些失误和对抗都在考验着茶党能否成为一个长期存在的政治势力。
- Institutions and habits of thought changed , while capital controls and cold war rivalries reinforced reliance on foreign aid .
- 随着资本管控和冷战对抗增强了对外国援助的依赖,我们的制度和思维习惯发生了改变。
- The bigger worry is that this week 's pyrotechnics will incinerate wider efforts to stabilise a region full of dangerous rivalries .
- 更令人担忧的是本周的导弹试验会使试图缓和这个充满危险对抗的地区局势所作的更大努力付之一炬。
- Such rivalries exist in any democracy .
- 任何民主国家都存在这样的对手。
- Yemen and libya are plagued by tribal rivalries ; jordan and lebanon host large populations of palestinian refugees ; several countries suffer sectarian splits .
- 也门和利比亚正在遭受部落敌对的困扰;约旦和黎巴嫩收容了大量的巴勒斯坦难民;还有一些国家面临着宗派分裂的困境。
- Rivalries among chinese institutions are also often surprisingly resilient .
- 政府机构之间的对立也常常激烈得令人惊讶。
- He is reluctant to confront his alliance partners , despite their corruption and dynastic rivalries .
- 他并不太情愿正视其联盟伙伴的所做作为,尽管他们贪污腐败、权力斗争不断。
- Second , it will be hard to avoid replacing old regulatory rivalries with new ones .
- 其次,将很难避免生成新的监管争斗来取代旧的。
- The argument woke old rivalries .
- 争论又激起了旧怨。