

n.(违法犯罪团伙的)头目,首恶,元凶( ringleader的名词复数 )

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It also vowed to try the plot 's ringleaders , including six let members already in its custody .
Thousands of officials are paid off by fuel-sellers . The ringleaders manipulate elections with the proceeds to keep friendly officials in power .
Several ringleaders were drafted into high-paid government jobs ; some now enjoy a lavish life in abuja , the capital .
Conservative mouthpieces in parliament and the press have amplified calls for trials of the accused ringleaders , including messrs khatami and rafsanjani , as well as the leading defeated candidate , mir hosein mousavi .
Ringleaders of criminal hooligan groups or those who carry lethal weapons to engage in criminal hooligan activities , if the circumstances are serious , or those who engage in criminal hooligan activities leading to especially serious consequences .
Ringleaders of the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph and other offenders in particularly serious cases of such crime shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years or life imprisonment and may concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of property .
Whoever incites others to split the state or undermine unity of the country shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years , criminal detention , public surveillance or deprivation of political rights ; the ringleaders and the ones who commit major crimes shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years .
Because it failed to make a sharp enough distinction between ringleaders and the rank-and-file , the justice and peace law has proved almost impossible to implement .
The shanghai authorities said most of the ringleaders of the group were chemistry graduates who had illegally acquired some of the technologies needed to make tamiflu .
They 'll think I 'm one of the ringleaders .