Japan has apologized for waging aggressive war and oppressing its neighbors , but those apologies have fumbling and awkward , and often been undercut by revisionist statements from senior politicians .
Here their revisionist view shifts responsibility firmly on to government and even the public , which was guilty of robbing banks of money they never wanted to lend .
In early westerns , the " injuns " are frequently portrayed as dishonorable villains ; however , many " revisionist " westerns give the natives more sympathetic treatment .
Too many white ethnic democrats thought joe duffey , whom vice president agnew had called a marxist revisionist , was too radical , too identified with dope-smoking anti-war hippies .
The tiny revisionist movement in america at that time-whose chief activists were palestinian jewish fighters sent over before the war to raise funds for the anti-british irgun-accused the mainstream of pusillanimity , of failing to wield jewish political clout to press the roosevelt administration to save jews .
Several of his dozen books , most of which are daringly revisionist accounts of early islamic history , have been banned at al-azhar 's orders , despite mr qimani 's protests that he remains a believer , albeit of a relatively non-doctrinaire sort .